AdaptiveAdaptive changes the holder's secondary type to the type of the first technique that targets them and gifts them with SPATK once per battle.
AerobicAerobic gifts the holder with SPD but also inflicts them with SPDEF whenever they use a Wind Technique.
AggressorAggressor gifts the holder with ATK but inflicts them with DEF whenever they enter the battlefield.
Air SpecialistAir Specialist increases the damage of the holder's Wind Techniques by 15%.
AmphibianAmphibian gifts the holder with SPD and ATK after being affected by a Water Technique.
AnaerobicAnaerobic gifts the holder with SPDEF but also inflicts them with SPATK whenever they use a Toxic Technique.
AntibodiesAntibodies gifts the holder with DEF and SPDEF when hit by a Toxic Technique.
ApothecaryApothecary causes all of the holder's Special Techniques to inflict the Poisoned Condition for 1 turn if the target is a rival or gift the Regenerated Condition for 1 turn if the target is the holder or their ally.
Arcane WrapArcane Wrap decreases the damage the holder takes from Special Techniques by 20%.
Attack TAttack changes the holder's secondary type to match the Technique they're about to use. If the technique the holder is about to use is the same type as the holder's primary type, then the holder loses the secondary type. For example, Oree becomes Digital /Electric when using Tesla Prison, and becomes pure Digital when using Turbo Attack.
AutotomyAutotomy gifts the holder with the Evading Condition for 2 turns upon entering the battlefield once per battle.
AvengerAvenger gifts the holder with SPD and SPATK when their ally is knocked-out.
BackhandedBackhanded gifts the holder the Regenerated for 1 turn if a Status Technique is used.
BenefactorBenefactor restores 8% of the holder's ally's maximum HP whenever they take damage from a Technique. The targeting of the technique doesn't matter and the effect has no minimum value, meaning it can restore the ally for more HP than they lost due to getting attacked. Benefactor will only trigger if the holder's ally takes damage from a technique, so damage from other traits like Mirroring or from Status Conditions like the Poisoned Condition will not cause it to activate.
Bird SeasonBird Season increases the damage of the holder's Wind Techniques by 100% if their target is part Wind.
Body StretchBody Stretch restores 10% of the holder's maximum HP and gifts the holder with the Regenerated condition for 1 turn whenever they Rest.
Book LungsBook Lungs decreases the damage the holder takes from Water Techniques by 50%.
BotanistBotanist increases the damage of the holder's Nature Techniques by 15%.
BotanophobiaBotanophobia raises the damage the holder takes from Nature Techniques by 50%.
BrawnyBrawny increases the damage of the holder's Physical Techniques by 20%.
BruiserBruiser increases the damage of all of the holder's Melee Techniques by 15%.
BrumationBrumation gifts the holder with DEF and decreases the Hold on all their techniques by 1 whenever they Rest.
BullyBully increases the damage of the holder's Techniques by an additional 25% while the target is affected by a negative Status Condition.
BurglarBurglar causes all of the holder's Techniques to disable the target's gear for the rest of the battle if they're afflicted with the Asleep or Exhausted Conditions.
CaffeinatedCaffeinated protects the holder from being inflicted with the Asleep Condition.
CallosityCallosity gifts the holder with DEF when hit with a Physical Technique.
CamaraderieCamaraderie decreases the damage the holder takes from Techniques by 50% if both the holder and their ally are part of the same evolutionary line.
CamouflageCamouflage gifts the holder with the Evading Condition for 2 turns when hit with a Physical Technique.
ChannelerChanneler increases the damage of the holder's Special Techniques by 25%.
CobwebCobweb causes all of the holder's Techniques to inflict the target with the Trapped Condition for 2 turns if they're already afflicted with or the holder inflicts them with the Poisoned Condition.
Cold-BloodedCold-Blooded protects the holder from being inflicted with the Cold or Frozen Conditions and instead gifts them with the Regenerated Condition for 1 turn.
Cold-NaturedCold-Natured causes any Cold Condition the holder is inflicted with to instead be replaced with the Frozen Condition for the same duration of the initial Cold Condition.
ComebackerComebacker increases the damage of the holder's Techniques by 32% after taking damage from a technique but only when attacking the combatant that did damage to the holder.
Common FactorCommon Factor gives all combatants on the battlefield the Nullified Condition for 1 turn upon the holder entering the battlefield.
ConfidentConfident gifts the holder with SPD whenever they use a Technique that is at least Effective against a target.
ConfinedConfined gifts the holder with DEF and SPDEF when the holder gets the Trapped Condition.
ContagiousContagious inflicts the Poisoned Condition for 1 turn onto any rival that exits the battlefield.
ContemplationContemplation gifts the holder with the ATK and SPD when they Rest, once per battle.
Coward's RestCoward's Rest gifts the holder with the Evading and Invigorated conditions for 2 turns whenever they rest.
Deceit AuraDeceit Aura causes the priority of all Techniques to invert based on their priority level with the exception of Ultra . The results of this effect are listed below:
DefuserDefuser causes all of the holder's Physical Techniques to also inflict the Seized Condition for 2 turns.
DemoralizeDemoralize inflicts all rivals with SPD when the holder enters the battlefield.
DeterminedDetermined protects the holder's being inflicted with negative stat stage changes.
Digi-ProtectionDigi-Protection decreases Ally's damage from Digital Techniques by 30%. Also decreases the damage the holder takes from Digital Techniques by 75%.
DisgraceDisgrace inflicts DEF and SPDEF onto any rival that exits the battlefield.
Dozing HitDozing Hit causes all of the holder's Techniques to inflict the Asleep Condition for 1 turn if it's at least Effective against the target.
Dreaded AlarmEvery time a rival gets the Alert Status, they lose 8% of their max HP.
EarthboundEarthbound gifts the holder with DEF whenever they use an Earth Technique.
Effective DenialEffective Denial decreases the damage the holder takes from Effective Techniques by 30%.
EfficientEfficient decreases the STA Cost of the holder's damage-dealing Techniques by 30%.
Electric CustodianElectric Custodian causes all incoming Electric Techniques targeting the holder's ally to hit the holder instead and reduces the damage taken from them by 15%. Note that each strike of Chain Lightning is considered independently.
Electric SynthesizeElectric Synthesize protects the holder from taking damage from Electric Techniques and restores their HP equal to the amount of damage they would've taken.
EnergizedEnergized restores 6% of the holder's max HP at the start of each turn.
Energy ReservesEnergy Reserves gifts the holder with ATK and the Invigorated Condition for 2 turns as soon as the holder's HP drops below 45% once per battle.
EnragedEnraged increases the damage of all the holder's Techniques by 30% while they're below 30% of their maximum HP.
EscapistEscapist protects the holder and their ally from the Trapped Condition and cures their ally of the Trapped Condition when the holder enters the battlefield.
Fainted CurseFainted Curse causes the attacker who knocked-out the holder with a damage-dealing Technique to lose 30% of their maximum HP.
Fast ChargeFast Charge gifts the holder's Digital ally with SPD once the Digital ally enters the battlefield once per battle.
Fever RushFever Rush gifts the holder with ATK whenever they get a Status Condition with the exception of the Alerted Condition.
Final StandFinal Stand gifts the holder with DEF and SPDEF at the start of each turn while they're below 30% of their maximum HP.
Flawed CrystalFlawed Crystal causes the holder to take 50% more damage from Electric, Mental and Toxic Techniques.
FriendshipWhen the holder with Friendship and the ally attack the same rival with an offensive technique, the damage of the second technique is increased by 15%. The second technique does not have to be executed by the holder of Friendship.
FrighteningFrightening prevents the Gears of the rival team and the holder's ally from having any effects for the first 3 turns the holder is on the battlefield.
FurorFuror increases the damage of holder's Techniques by 33% while they're below 33% of their maximum HP.
Going Away GiftGoing Away Gift gifts all the holder's positive stat stage changes to their ally upon the holder being knocked-out.
Good FriendGood Friend causes a second incoming rival Technique that's directed at the holder's ally to be redirected to the holder.
Gotta Go FastGotta Go Fast causes all of the holders Techniques that have Very Low, Low, and Normal priority to be increased to High priority.
GuardianGuardian protects the holder's ally from being inflicted with negative stat stage changes and the Cold, Frozen, Burned, Poisoned, and Doomed Conditions.
HakaHaka gifts the holder's ally with ATK and SPATK upon the holder entering the battlefield once per battle.
Half FullHalf Full gifts the holder with ATK , DEF , SPATK , and SPDEF but also causes them to lose 50% of their maximum HP upon entering the battlefield with full HP once per battle.
Heat DischargeHeat Discharge inflicts both rivals with the Burned Condition for 2 turns.
HeaterHeater inflicts all other Temtem with the Burned Condition for 1 turn upon the holder entering the battlefield once per battle.
HostileHostile gifts the holder with ATK and SPATK upon entering the battlefield once per battle.
HoverHover decreases the damage the holder takes from Earth Techniques by 50%.
Hurry-wartHurry-wart decreases the Hold of all the holder's Techniques by 1 upon entering the battlefield.
HydrologistHydrologist increases the damage of the holder's Water Techniques by 15%.
HypnotistOnce per battle, after the Temtem spent 2 turns on the battlefield, Hypnotist inflicts both rivals with the Asleep Condition for 1 turns.
Ignis FatuusIgnis Fatuus gifts the holder with the Evading Condition for 1 turn whenever another combatant is knocked-out.
Ignite ProtectionOnce per battle, Ignite Protection inflicts the Burned Condition for 2 turns onto any attacker that hits the holder with a Technique.
ImmunityImmunity protects the holder from taking damage from Toxic Techniques and from being inflicted with the Poisoned Condition.
IndividualistIndividualist protects the holder's ally from being affected by any techniques the holder uses against them.
InductorInductor restores 8% of the holder's maximum HP every time an Electric Technique is sucessfully used by any combatant on the battlefield.
InfectiousInfectious negates all healing while the Temtem is in the battlefield.
InhibiterInhibiter prevents the Trait of a single combatant from having any effect for rest of the battle after being attacked by the holder once per battle.
Inner ShieldInner Shield causes the holder to not be affected by any Status Techniques used by the rival team.
IntimidatorIntimidator prevents the Traits of the rival team and the holder's ally from having any effects for the first 3 turns the holder is on the battlefield.
IridescenceIridescence causes the holder to receive 10% more damage from Techniques but the type of the Technique is ignored.
Jack of all TradesJack of all Trades gifts the holder with SPATK when a Physical Technique is used and ATK when a Special Technique is used.
Kinetic TransferKinetic Transfer causes the holder to restore 15% of the inflicted Damage as STA.
Landing TransmogLanding Transmog causes Mimit to transform into the next Temtem in clockwise order upon entering the battlefield. It will use the same Base Stats, Techniques, Trait and Typing of the target but will keep its own Level, SVs and TVs. It also won't copy any Status Conditions or Stat Stage Changes which are currently applied on the target. If the next Temtem is a Mimit, then the transforming Mimit will skip to the next Temtem of a different species. If already transformed, swapped out, and sent back in, so long as the next Temtem in a different species than what is currently copied, Mimit will change when entering the battlefield.
Last RushLast Rush increases the damage of the holder's Techniques by an additional 33% while the number of conscious combatants on the rival's squad outnumber the number of conscious combatants on the holder's squad.
LonelinessLoneliness causes the holder and their ally to be unable to use synergies.
MarathonistMarathonist decreases the STA Cost of the holder's Techniques by 50% but also inflicts them with SPD whenever they use a Technique.
Meditation (Trait)Meditation gifts the holder with the Regenerated Condition for 1 turn and cures them of all negative status conditions whenever they Rest.
Mental AllianceMental Alliance increases the holder's SPATK by 15% if their ally is part Mental.
Mineral CrusherMineral Crusher increases the damage of all the holder's Techniques by 25% if their target is part Earth or Crystal.
MirroringMirroring inflicts 25% of the damage the holder takes from Special Techniques to the attacker.
MithridatismMithridatism protects the holder from being inflicted with the Poisoned Condition, decreases damage taken from Toxic Techniques by 22%.
MotivatorMotivator restores 15% of both the holder's and their ally's maximum STA at the start of each turn.
MucousMucous decreases the damage the holder takes from Electric and Toxic Techniques by 30% and protects them from being inflicted with the Cold, Frozen and Burned Conditions.
Natural ConversionNatural Conversion increases the damage of all non-Nature Techniques.
NeurotoxinsOnce per battle, Neurotoxins causes all of the holder's Techniques that can inflict the Poisoned Condition to instead inflict a 4 turn countdown of the Doomed Condition. Neurotoxins will inflict the Doomed Condition on Toxic targets but will fail to inflict targets that have Mithridatism or Immunity as their Trait. Neurotoxins will not be consumed if the Doomed Condition is not applied.
NeutralityNeutrality protects the holder from being inflicted with the Asleep, Burned, Cold, Frozen, Exhausted, Isolated, Poisoned, Seized, Trapped and Doomed Conditions.
ParrierParrier decreases the damage the holder takes from Physical Techniques by 25%.
PatientPatient restores 15% of the holder's maximum STA when they use a Technique that has any amount of Hold.
PhysgulpPhysgulp restores 8% of the holder's maximum HP whenever they are attacked by a Physical Technique.
PhysmasterPhysmaster increases the damage of the holder's Physical Techniques by 50%.
Pigment InverterPigment Inverter causes the holder's target to receive the Nullified Condition for 3 turns if the Technique used was ineffective.
PlethoricPlethoric increases the holder's SPD by 30% as long as they're at or above 70% of their maximum HP.
Power NapPower Nap restores 15% of the holder's maximum HP at the start of each turn if they're afflicted with the Asleep Condition.
PredatoryPredatory restores 30% of the holder's maximum HP when they knock-out a target.
PridefulPrideful gifts the holder with SPD , ATK and SPATK when they knock-out a target.
Protective CrystalProtective Crystal decreases the damage the holder's team takes from Electric, Mental and Fire Technique by 20%. The holder's ally has an additional 10% base damage reduction off every offensive Technique received, whatever its type.
ProtectorProtector gifts the holder's ally with DEF and SPDEF upon the holder entering the battlefield once per battle.
ProtostarAfter being knocked-out by the Doomed Condition, Protostar revives the holder with 100% of max HP and depletes HP of the enemy team based on 40% of the holder's remaining HP and changes the Trait to Supernova.
ProvidentProvident gifts the holder with SPDEF after being hit by Earth, Fire and Melee Techniques.
Punch BagPunch Bag decreases the damage the holder takes from Melee Techniques by 30%.
Puppet MasterPuppet Master causes all incoming rival, single target Techniques aimed at the holder to be redirected to their ally while the holder is below 45% of their maximum HP.
PyromaniacPyromaniac increases the damage of the holder's Fire Techniques by 15%.
ReceptiveReceptive increases the duration of any Invigorated, Immune, Regenerated, Evading, and Alerted Conditions the holder is gifted with by 1 turn.
RefurbishedRefurbished gifts the holder with the Regenerated Condition for 3 turns after the holder has been on the battlefield for 3 turns in a row once per battle.
RejuvenateRejuvenate restores 10% of the holder's maximum HP after using a Special Technique.
RelaxedRelaxed restores 15% of the holder's maximum HP so long as the holder does not take any damage from Techniques from the rival team while being present on the battlefield.
ResilientResilient protects the holder from being knocked-out due to technique damage, and gifts them with SPD and applies Doomed for 1 turn.
ResistantResistant decreases the duration of the Poisoned, Burned, Asleep, Cold, Exhausted, Isolated, Seized, and Trapped Conditions the holder is inflicted with by 1 turn. If the inflicted Condition would only last 1 turn normally, the holder will not be inflicted with it.
RestedRested increases the holder's ATK and SPATK by 30% for the first 2 turns they start the turn on the battlefield once per battle.
Royal JellyRoyal Jelly restores 5% of the holder's and their allies' maximum HP at the start of each turn. The healing is applied after Status Conditions have been triggered but before a player is able to replace a knocked-out Temtem.
RuminantWhen hit by an enemy Nature technique, damage is reduced by 50% and receives ATK .
RusherRusher gifts the holder with SPD whenever a rival combatant enters the battlefield but inflicts the holder with SPD whenever the holder leaves the battlefield.
Safe RetreatSafe Retreat grants the holder the Regenerated Condition for 1 turn when leaving the battlefield.
ScavengerScavenger restores 20% of the holder's maximum HP when either their ally or a rival is knocked-out.
SeismicSeismic causes all rival combatants on the battlefield to lose 10% of their maximum HP whenever the user enters the battlefield. Seismic can't reduce their HP below 1.
Self-CareSelf-Care gifts the holder with the Regenerated Condition for 1 turn whenever they are hit with a damaging Physical or Special Technique.
Self-EsteemSelf-Esteem cures the holder of the Poisoned, Burned, Cold, Exhausted, Isolated, Seized, Trapped, and Doomed Conditions when they knock-out a target.
SenseiSensei causes the holder to use their SPATK instead of their ATK when using a Physical Technique and use their ATK instead of their SPATK when using a Special Technique.
SentinelSentinel protects the holder and their ally from the Asleep Condition and cures their ally of the Asleep Condition when the holder enters the battlefield.
SeppukuSeppuku inflicts the rival team with the Doomed Status Condition for 4 turns if the holder is knocked-out due to Overexertion or self-damaging moves like Autodestruction.
SettlingSettling gifts the holder with ATK and SPATK for each 2 consecutive turns they are on the battlefield.
ShaolinAll damage done by this Temtem's Special Techniques is increased by 10%.
Shared PainShared Pain protects the holder from receiving damage from a second attack from the rival team that turn by redirecting it to their ally.
Shinobi TacticsShinobi Tactics increases the damage of the holder's High Priority Techniques by 10%.
Short CircuitShort Circuit prevents all Stat Stage Changes from being gifted/inflicted to all combatants on the battlefield as long as the holder is on the battlefield.
Skull HelmetSkull Helmet decreases the damage the holder takes from Mental and Melee Techniques by 25%. The holder is also immnue to the Exhausted Condition.
SnowstormSnowstorm inflicts both rivals and the holder's ally with the Cold Condition for 2 turns if they aren't already inflicted with the Cold Condition when the holder enters the battlefield once per battle.
Soft TouchSoft Touch increases the damage the holder does to targets affected by the Asleep Condition by 12% and stops the holder from curing them of the Asleep Condition with any damage-dealing Techniques.
SolidifierSolidifier causes the holder to use their ATK instead of their SPATK when using a Special Water Technique.
Source ReplicatorSource Replicator copies any Alerted, Regenerated, Evading, Immune, or Invigorated Conditions the holder is gifted with and gifts them to their ally for the same duration.
SpecgulpSpecgulp restores 8% of the holder's maximum HP whenever they are attacked by a Special Technique.
SpecmasterSpecmaster increases the damage of the holder's Special Techniques by 50%.
SpiritualSpiritual gifts the holder with SPATK but also inflicts them with SPDEF whenever they enter the battlefield.
SplitterSplitter protects the holder from being inflicted with the Poisoned, Burned, Asleep, Cold, Frozen, Exhausted, Isolated, Seized, or Trapped Conditions. For example: Embers won't inflict Burned, Hypnosis won't inflict Asleep, and Toxic Ink won't inflict Poisoned.
SpoilsportSpoilsport increases the damage of the holder's Techniques that target the rival team or the user's ally by 25%.
SpreaderSpreader causes all of the holder's Special Techniques that have single target or single other target as their targeting to hit both rivals but reduces the damage of these Techniques by 15% if there are multiple rivals on the battlefield.
StabmasterStabmaster increases the damage of the holders Techniques that are the same Type as the holder by 35%. This boost stacks with STAB.
Striking TransmogOnce per battle, Striking Transmog causes Mimit to transform into the Temtem the holder hits with Physical Techniques that has single target or single other target as their targeting and will multiply Mimit's DEF and SPDEF stat by 30% for the rest of the current turn. It will use the same Base Stats, Techniques, Trait, and Typing of the target but will keep its own Level, SVs and TVs. It also won't copy any Status Conditions or Stat Stage Changes which are currently applied on the target.
Strong LiverStrong Liver protects the holder from taking damage from Toxic Techniques and restores their HP equal to the amount of damage they would've taken.
SuperconductivitySuperconductivity causes all of the holder's ally's Techniques that have a Synergy to activate that Synergy's effect even if the holder doesn't match the Synergy's Type.
SupernovaAfter being knocked-out by the Doomed Condition, Supernova revives the holder with 100% of max HP and depletes HP of the enemy team based on 40% of the holder's missing HP and changes the Trait to Protostar. The damage dealt is calculated as follows:
Synergy AdeptSynergy Adept increases the damage of the holder's and their allies' Synergy Techniques by 15% when the Synergy activates.
Synergy MasterSynergy Master increases the damage of the holder's and their allies' Synergy Techniques by 25% when the Synergy activates.
SynertyperSynertyper increases the damage of the holder's Techniques by 25% if both the holder and their ally share a Type.
Tactical StrikeTactical Strike increases the damage of the holder's Techniques that have any amount of Hold by 12%.
Tag TeamTag Team decreases the damage the holder takes from Techniques by 15% if both the holder and their ally share a Type.
Tardy RushTardy Rush increases the holder's SPD by 85% and ATK by 10% after being on the battlefield for 3 turns in a row and lasts until the holder leaves the battlefield. If the holder is swapped in, the turn they enter the battlefield counts as turn 1.
Target ReplicatorTarget Replicator copies any Alerted, Regenerated, Evading, Immune, or Invigorated Conditions the ally is gifted with and gifts them to the holder for the same duration.
Team ElusiveTeam Elusive protects the holder from being affected by damaging or negative effect-inflicting Techniques from both their ally and the rivals that have single team, rival team or the user's ally, all other Temtem, or all as their targeting. If Puppet Master would cause a holder to be the target of a Technique, it will.
Thick SkinThick Skin decreases the damage the holder takes from Wind Techniques by 50%.
TirelessTireless gifts the holder with ATK , prevents the turn penalty from Overexerting, and reduces self-damage from Overexerting by 50% whenever the holder Overexerts.
Toxic AffinityToxic Affinity increases the damage of the holder's Toxic Techniques by 50%, as if they had STAB. This boost stacks with actual STAB if the holder is part Toxic.
Toxic FarewellToxic Farewell inflicts the attacking team that knocked-out the holder with the Poisoned Condition for 1 turn and they lose 7% of their maximum HP.
Toxic SkinOnce per battle, Toxic Skin inflicts the Poisoned Condition for 2 turns onto any attacker that hits the holder with a Technique.
ToxifierToxifier causes the holder to use their SPATK instead of their ATK and increases Technique damage by 10% when using a a Physical Toxic technique.
Toxin CrusherToxin Crusher increases the damage of all the holder's Techniques by 50% if their target is part Toxic.
TranceTrance gifts the holder with SPATK , SPDEF , and the Regenerated Condition for 3 turns but also inflicts the Asleep Condition for 2 turns when the holder's is below 30% of their maximum HP and is the target of a Technique once per battle.
TraumaTrauma inflicts the holder with DEF after they're hit with a Physical Technique and inflicts the holder with SPDEF after they're hit with a Special Technique.
Tri-ApothecaryTri-Apothecary causes all of the holder's Special Techniques to inflict the Poisoned Condition for 3 turns if the target was a rival or gift the Regenerated Condition for 3 turns if the target is the holder or their ally.
Tri-PhytologistWhen the holder attacks a target with a Physical Technique, Tri-Phytologist inflicts the target with the Exhausted Status Condition for 2 turns if the target is a rival or the Invigorated Status Condition for 2 turns if the target is the holder itself or its ally.
UnnoticedUnnoticed gifts the holder with SPD so long as the holder does not take any damage from Techniques from the rival team while being present on the battlefield.
VigorousVigorous increases the damage of the holder's Techniques by 50% when the holder Overexerts.
Viral CombustionViral Combustion inflicts the Burned Condition for 4 turns onto any attacker that inflicts the Poisoned Condition onto the holder.
Voltaic ChargeVoltaic Charge restores 20% of the damage the holder inflicts to the target as HP.
VoodooWhen the holder of Voodoo applies a negative Status Condition or Stage change to a rival, the effects of those are applied to the rival’s partner too.
Warm GiftWarm Gift inflicts the Burned Condition for 3 turns onto any rival that exits the battlefield.
Warm-BloodedWarm-Blooded protects the holder from being inflicted with the Cold and Frozen Conditions.
Water AffinityWater Affinity increases the damage of the holder's Water Techniques by 50%, as if they had STAB. This boost stacks with actual STAB if the holder is part Water.
Water CustodianWater Custodian causes all incoming Water Techniques targeting the holder's ally to hit the holder instead and if the technique was successfully redirected the user will get SPATK .
Water SynthesizerWater Synthesizer protects the holder from taking damage from Water Techniques and restores their HP equal to the amount of damage they would've taken.
Wax BathWax Bath decreases the damage the holder takes from Fire Techniques by 25% and protects them from being inflicted with the Burned Condition.
WelcomerOnce per battle, Welcomer gifts the holder's ally with the Evading Condition for 1 turn when the holder has spent 1 turn on the battlefield.
WithdrawalWithdrawal restores 20% of the holder's maximum HP and cures them of the Asleep and Poisoned Conditions whenever they Rest.
Wrecked FarewellWrecked Farewell causes the rival to lose 10% of their maximum STA, ATK -2 stages and SPATK -2 when they knocked out the holder. If the holder knocks themself out, the effects are applied to all rivals.
ZenZen gifts the holder with DEF and SPDEF upon being inflicted with the Asleep Condition.